To all our customers,

We wish you strength and faith during these uncertain times.

As you know, governor Pritzker has issued the Executive Order to stay at home and mandated the closure of non-essential businesses to help combat the spread of Coronavirus. We are a supplier providing essential products and services to the construction industry and, as a result, we are allowed to remain open as an Essential Business.

Here is the excerpt from the State of Illinois website:

“Essential Infrastructure: Working in food production, distribution and sale; construction; building management and maintenance; airport operations; operation and maintenance of utilities, including water, sewer, and gas; electrical; distribution centers; oil and biofuel refining; roads, highways, railroads, and public transportation; ports; cybersecurity operations; flood control; solid waste and recycling collection and removal; and internet, video, and telecommunications systems”

Our hours of operation are 7am to 3:30pm. However, please note that our showroom remains closed, and we will only accept orders via telephone or email. Walk-in customers are not allowed at this time.

Please email or call us. We can fill orders and schedule deliveries and provide any information over the phone you may require. Our drivers will make deliveries but will be following health safety precautions as mandated by the CDC and other governmental agencies. As a result, they will avoid shaking hands and keep at least a 6-foot distance from customers when making deliveries. We have also disinfected all possible surfaces. We do not require our customers to sign delivery tickets; instead, drivers will take photos of the deliveries, which will serve as proof of delivery during this period. For any small deliveries that otherwise our customers would pick up from our yard, we will make every effort to deliver those items the same day.

The Executive Order is in effect till April 7th, 2020, so we will operate as outlined above until that time, or until further order by the governor.

Hope to talk to you soon!


Ewa Kulaga
Hillside Lumber